Carlos Lee, Director General of EPIC, wins the PNO Photonics Innovation Award 2015


keywords: EPIC photonics


 The first PNO Photonics Innovation Award winner was announced at the Photonics Event 2015, 3-4 June 2015, Veldhoven, The Netherlands. 

Out of the shortlisted candidates, the customers of PNO have voted Carlos Lee as the winner of the first PNO Photonics Innovation Award, for his constant dissemination and cross-connection activities in benefit of the Photonics community. 

As a result of the raise of awareness by the European Commission on Photonics as a Key Enabling Technology, PNO Consultants BV.has seen a major increase of itscustomer portfolio in the field of Photonics technology. Moreover, High Tech consultants at PNO are constantly impressed by the innovation capacity as well as potential market growth by their new and existing customers in this sector. In order to support the photonics community formed by those PNO customers, the first PNO Photonics Innovation Award has been created. 

based on the Innovation recent achievements in the field of Innovation, PNO shortlisted 5 candidates, and asked their photonics-related customers to vote for the one they deemed most deserving. EPIC (European Photonics Industry Consortium), as winner of the PNO Photonics Innovation Award has received a voucher of 3000 Euros worth of professional consultancy to be used for any of the innovation services provided by PNO.

EPIC received Photo<em></em>nics Innovation Award_副本

EPIC received Photo<em></em>nics Innovation Award (2)_副本
Carlos Lee

“It’s a great honor to be recognized by Europe’s leading grant advisory firm with a focus on photonics. Connecting companies, promoting innovation, building partnerships, is the core business of EPIC.” said Carlos Lee upon receiving the award.

(allowed to be published by EPIC)
