CHINA Development Bank President visits Amplitude Systèmes

source:Amplitude Systmes

release:Johnny Lee



Amplitude Systèmes welcomed in its Bordeaux facility Mr. Hu HuaiBang, president of China Development Bank.
China Development Bank, alo ngside BPI France and Cathay Capital, announced recently the creation of a new Sino-French midcap investment fund, to further industrial development and cooperation between midsize european and chinese companies.
China Development Bank visits Amplitude
Eric Mottay, CEO of Amplitude, welcomes Hu HuaiBang, president of China Development Bank.
Fruitful discussions were held in Amplitude a bout the potential for growth and cooperation on European and Chinese markets. o ngoing and future collaborations between the french competitivity cluster "Route des Lasers" and Wuhan's Optics valley were discussed.
A demo nstration of advanced material processing with ultrafast lasers provided an illustration of the potential of laser technologies in industry.