Coherent New Green Nanosecond Lasers Increase Materials Processing Throughput


  release:Johnny Lee

keywords: Coherent laser


  Coherent, Inc. (Santa Clara, CA) has expanded their AVIA family of lasers with new models having green output, and which offer an unmatched combination of power, reliability and compact size for a range of precision materials processing applications.  The new AVIA NX products are q-switched, diode-pumped, solid-state lasers that deliver up to 65W of average power at 532 nm from a laser head that measures less than two feet (587 mm) in length.  Together with the excellent beam characteristics of the AVIA NX (M²<1.3), this high power creates increased throughput in cutting, drilling, marking and scribing applications. 

 The extraordinary performance and reduced footprint has been accomplished through an advanced, high efficiency optical pumping approach, as well as by employing the latest microelectronics miniaturization technology.  Reliability has been designed into AVIA NX lasers through the use of Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) protocols, which identify failure mechanisms so that they can be designed out.  Individual production units are tested using Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS) methods.  This stringent testing protocol identifies and eliminates any potential reliability issues with the product prior to shipment, without decreasing their useful life. 

 AVIA NX lasers are ideal for a wide range of precision processing tasks in microelectronics and solar cell manufacturing.  These include cutting and drilling of thin foils and flex materials, silicon micromachining, 3D chip package manufacturing, IC package trimming, ink jet nozzle drilling and solar cell scribing and drilling.  
