EKSPLA Ultrafast fiber lasers LightWire series has been updated with new models


release:Johnny Lee



Ekspla has recently updated it's ultrafast fiber lasers line LightWire series with new fiber laser models.

FF1000 is a new femtosecond laser in a LightWire series. High average power (>1W), short pulse duration (<110fs) and high repetition rate (40MHz) is a perfect combination for two-photon microscopy, terahertz generation, femtosecond pump-probe applications.

FF3000 model has been updated and now can deliver 4W output power with flexible repetition rate (1-40MHz) and more than 2µJ energy pulses with duration of 300fs. When operated in a burst mode pulse energy of 10µJ can be achieved making the laser attractive for some material processing applications. The uncompressed output option can deliver high power 50-400 ps duration pulses at 1030nm wavelength for CPA amplification in Yb doped solid state amplifiers.

New picosecond all fiber laser FP200 delivers up to 50 nJ transform limited pulses with duration of 8 ps and variable repetition rate (50 kHz – 40 MHz). Because of its high pulse energy and narrow spectrum (<0.3nm) this laser is excellent choice for seeding solid state linear amplifiers (Nd:YVO, Nd:YAG) eliminating the need of regenerative amplification. It can be operated in burst mode to further optimize output from your amplifiers for specific application. FP200 along with an optional second harmonic module can be also used in stand-alone applications like Raman or fluorescence spectrometry and microscopy.
