Photonics Industries Further Expands its Southern China Branch Office



keywords: PHOTONICS INDUSTRIES branch office


PHOTonICS INDUSTRIES INTERNATIonAL Inc., one of the leading global manufacturers of ns and ps diode pumped solid state lasers whose headquarters is located on Long Island in New York, continues to expand in China by increasing our market presence in Southern China. PHOTonICS INDUSTRIES (PI) announces that it has moved into a new branch office in Shenzhen, China to complement our existing sales and service subsidiary, Photonics Industries China (PIC), in Suzhou, China.

Furthermore, PI has increased its staff in its Shenzhen Branch Office with additional sales and service personnel. In addition, PI is installing new clean room facilities in this Shenzhen Branch Office to enable service of lasers locally in South China.

The expansion of our South China branch office in Shenzhen enhances PHOTonICS INDUSTRIES worldwide distribution network, which is comprised of subsidiaries in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China in combination with a sales representative/distributor network across the globe.

