POP Conference-- Headline: Opt in to the POP Conference





Precision assembly of photonics and opto-electronic components is a critical process governing the cost, performance and reliability of simple and complex optical systems. The POP (Photonics and Opto-Electronic Packaging) Conference to be held at Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland on 22-23 November 2016 brings together an unparalleled array of speakers to “Give Light to your System Design” by providing the latest developments in manufacturing technology in this growing market.

This international conference organised jointly by IMAPS (International Microelectronics, Assembly and Packaging Society, UK Chapter), EPIC (European Photonics Industry Consortium), JEMI UK (Joint Equipment Materials Initiative) and SEMI (Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International), spans the entire supply chain from end-users through integrators and packaging houses through to software design and equipment suppliers, backed up with a supporting table-top exhibition. Highlights include cutting edge end user and system perspectives from Tyndall Institute, VTT, Photon Delta, IBM, Huawei, Kaiam, MIRPHAB, Technobis and Oxsensis covering the trends in photonics assembly in imaging, lighting, communication and sensing applications. Yole Developments will update the conference with a market outlook for silicon photonics, whilst packaging and test services will be demonstrated with presentations from Tegema, linkra, Optocap, Ficontec, LioniX and Microtest and software design capabilities will be showcased by Phoenix Software and Seren.

This conference will give the attendees the opportunity to listen to and engage with leading industrial practitioners, receive updates on latest market trends, network with entire supply chain including end-users, integrators, materials and equipment suppliers, gain insight into assembly process developments from range of industrial sectors and visit state of the art research facilities at Heriot Watt University.

For further information and registration, please visit our website.

