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访EKSPLA 首席代表 安杰博士

邵火 来源:激光制造商情2012-03-09 我要评论(0 )   

激光制造商情:2012的钟声已经敲响,在新的一年里您对我国激光产业的发展有何期望?针对新一年的发展贵司又何规划呢?对于我国激光产业的发展规划您又何建议呢? 激光制...

   激光制造商情:2012 is coming, how do you expect the development of Chinese Laser Industry?
   Last part of year 2011 indicated some slowdown in China especially related to the solar cells manufacturing market. It is possible to expect the competition between laser manufacturers will be tight in year 2012. Ekspla has released new DPSS lasers models recently which should attract existing and new customers. Also we expect to have increase of orders for optoelectronics components in coming year. We clearly see that local customers value Ekspla’s more than 25 years experience in manufacturing and development of ultrafast lasers and components.
   And what’s the development plan for Ekspla?
   Ekspla has opened representative office for China in Shanghai in year 2009 with the target to have more close relationship with Chinese industrial laser users. The company is satisfied with results. Several picosecond diode pumped lasers were sold to local companies involved in solar cells, automotive manufacturing business and laser processing research. The next step of Shanghai office development will be the establishing of servicing center for customers from China and neighbour countries. This will help us to meet user’s needs better and will make company presence in local market more sustainable.
   为更好的服务于中国的工业激光用户,EKSPLA于2009年在上海开设了办事处。现已为太阳能,汽车制造,和激光微加工用户成功交付若干高精密工业超快激光器和激光系统,并反响良好。我们接下来计划成立面向中国和周边国家的service center。这将有助于我们更好的满足客户需求并实现对公司品牌的持续提升。
   Do you have any nice suggestions for Chinese Laser industry?
   Ekspla has strong links to Lithuanian laser research institutions and companies. Photonics science and business is established here more than 40 years ago and have recognition worldwide. The main focus is ultrafast and nonlinear phenomena research and related products. Ekspla is glad to invite Chinese laser industry participants to cooperate more close with Lithuanian photonics community in development of new laser processes and applications.




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