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刘新兵Xinbing Liu

来源:LIA.org2016-04-23 我要评论(0 )   

Xinbing Liuhas been the director of Panasonic Boston Laboratory (PBL) of Panasonic RD Company of America since the begin

Xinbing Liu
 has been the director of Panasonic Boston Laboratory (PBL) of Panasonic R&D Company of America since the beginning of 2006.  He joined PBL in 1998 as project manager, and subsequently became program manager, group director and is now the deputy director.  Prior to Panasonic, he was with Electro Scientific Industries as senior research and development engineer working on laser packaging applications in 1998.  Dr. Liu obtained his Ph.D. in applied physics from the University of Michigan and did his graduate work at the Center for Ultrafast Optical Science (CUOS).  When he joined PBL he became responsible for the overall technical work of the lab and led several successful projects developing key technologies in laser processing and micro-optics.  He won a number of awards at Panasonic for his technical contributions to the company.  Liu has been actively involved in sponsoring LIA conferences, serving as chair of the Laser Microprocessing Conference of ICALEO in 2007 and 2008, and was the general chair in 2009.



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