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PS5021型闪光灯驱动电源为可变或长脉冲宽度固体激光器的泵浦而设计,泵浦脉冲宽度在0.1-2 ms可变,输出电压高达450V。 产品描述 PS5021 型闪光灯驱动电源为可变或长脉冲...

PS5021型闪光灯驱动电源为可变或长脉冲宽度固体激光器的泵浦而设计,泵浦脉冲宽度在0.1-2 ms可变,输出电压高达450V。


PS5021型闪光灯驱动电源为可变或长脉冲宽度固体激光器的泵浦而设计,泵浦脉冲宽度在0.1-2 ms可变,输出电压高达450V,可通过RS232接口对这种电源进行远程控制。


Excellent pulse-to-pulse stability.The charger is based on resonant inverter topology which is most efficient way to charge capacitive loads. Innovative design of charger circuit allows to charge capacitor bank with an excellent precision of 0.1%.

Built-in serial ignition circuit.The driver features a built-in serial ignition circuit. It greatly simplifies the design of laser head since external triggering circuit is not required anymore. The simmer module provides up to 900 V striking voltage. The flashlamp is ignited by 16 kV pulse of approximately 1 µs duration, applied to the flashlamp cathode. The ignition circuit reliably ignites flashlamps with up to 200 mm arc length.

Remote control.Microprocessor-based control allows seamless integration of the driver into sophisticated laser systems. The charge voltage, repetition rate and pulse duration can be controlled remotely through analog or digital (RS-232) interfaces. In addition, the digital interface allows monitoring of status and error messages.
The discharge pulse can be triggered from external pulse generator facilitating synchronisation of several units.

Built-in simmer power supply. The simmer power supply keeps a low-power discharge between main discharge pulses.
It improves pulse-to-pulse stability and flashlamp lifetime. The simmer power supply is a constant current source producing 600 mA current at up to 300 V output voltage. Linear xenon flashlamps of 4–6 mm bore diameter and arc length of more than 200 mm are reliably simmered.

Modular design.The output parameters of power supply can be easily modified to meet customer needs subject to active lasing material, average output power or pulse energy. The average output power of the driver can be scaled up by paralleling several charger modules. Up to four modules with resulting 6.8 kJ/s peak charging rate can be fitted into a single 19” body. More powerful configurations are available upon request.

Technical assistance and calculations are available, helping to choose the most efficient and cost-effective solution.

Seamless integration.The driver can be easily integrated with EKSPLA cooling units of PS1220 and PS1245 series. Up to 6 units can be mounted into up to 25U height 19” racks providing powerful yet compact laser pumping cabinets.





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