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2013慕尼黑参展商简介: 深圳光韵达光电科技股份有限公司


公司中文名称: 深圳光韵达光电科技股份有限公司 公司英文名称: Shenzhen Sunshine Laser electronics technology co., LTD. (stock code: 300227) Provider of precisio...

公司中文名称: 深圳光韵达光电科技股份有限公司

公司英文名称: Shenzhen Sunshine Laser& Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.

中文地址: 广东省深圳市高新技术产业园区北区朗山一路超力通大厦一楼

英文地址: Chao Li Tong Building,Langshan Road 1,Shenzhen beiqu Hi-tech Industry Park.Shenzhen

总部: 中国/China

地区: 广东

展位编号: W2.2356

网址: www.sunshine-laser.com

公司中文描述:     深圳光韵达光电科技股份有限公司(股票代码:300227)——精密激光创新应用商。公司以激光技术为主要依托,为全球制造业和加工业提供相关产品和应用服务,是同类产品及服务类别最全面、最专业的精密激光技术应用企业。公司在电子制造及功能性部件设计生产等领域中享有崇高的声誉。公司拥有一批高精度的激光制造和激光加工设备,包括享誉全球的德国激光设备、日本CO2激光钻孔机、台湾程式坐标设备、德国的CNC加工中心等;同时拥有一批高精尖端的检测及研发设备,包括日本彩色3D激光扫描显微镜、美国三次元坐标测量设备、美国Scan Stencil Lite等系统,公司的主要产品和服务包括:SMT各类激光模板、FPC激光成型、HDI激光钻孔、晶圆凸点印刷模板、LCD印刷模板、LDS天线、电子制造环节的各种工装夹具/治具、防静电检验罩板、精密金属/非金属薄片元器件;提供FPC柔性线路板激光成型、高/低温共烧陶瓷电路板及HDI激光钻孔等产品和服务。  为了开拓更为广阔的激光技术应用领域,2006年公司在深圳总部成立了HTH登陆入口网页 技术研发中心,专注于精密HTH登陆入口网页 领域的技术研究与开发。过硬的研发实力和丰富的研发成果使光韵达成为深圳市率先通过国家级高新技术企业认定的企业之一。  光韵达以专业的技术、科学的管理、优异的品质和周到的服务作为企业发展的基石,坚持“以技术服务技术,以质量保证质量”的信念,向专业化、集团化、国际化方向发展。

公司英文描述: Shenzhen Sunshine laser & electronics technology co., LTD. (stock code: 300227) Provider of precision laser innovative application. Company with laser technology as the main rely on, for global manufacturing and processing industry to provide related products and application service, is one of the most comprehensive products and services category, the most professional precision laser technology application enterprise. The company in the electronic manufacturing and functional components in the field of design production and enjoys a high reputation. The company has a group of high precision laser manufacturing and laser processing equipment, including world-renowned German laser equipment, Japan CO2 laser drilling machine, Taiwan programs coordinate equipment, Germany CNC processing center, etc.; At the same time has a number of high-grade assay and research equipment, including Japan color 3 d laser scanning microscope, the three dimensional coordinate measuring equipment, the United States Scan Stencil Lite system, the company's main products and services include: SMT all kinds of laser template, FPC laser forming, HDI laser drilling, wafer salient point printing plate, LCD printing plate, LDS antenna, electronic manufacturing link various jig/jig, antistatic inspection sheet, precision metal/nonmetal sheet components; Provide FPC soft PCB laser forming, high/low temperature co-firing ceramic PCB and HDI laser drilling and other products and services.In order to develop a broader laser technology application domain, in 2006 the company in shenzhen headquarters established laser application technology research and development centers, focus on precision laser application technology research and development. Excellent research and development strength and abundant research results make Sunshine become shenzhen took the lead in through the national hi-tech enterprise one of.Sunshine with professional technology, scientific management, good quality and good service as the foundation of enterprise development, adhere to the "technology service technology, quality guarantee the quality" the faith, the direction of specialization, collectivization and internationalization direction.

行业: 光学 精密工程 服务 电气工程/电子/半导体 加工站 专业技术服务 其他

主要产品: 服务 应用系统(按行业分) 激光加工系统 其他 应用开发与实验 处理加工中心 合约加工 研发 用户定制解决方案 电子行业 其他应用 各类材料激光加工系统



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