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2013慕尼黑参展商简介: 北京安力诺斯光电技术有限公司


公司中文名称: 北京安力诺斯光电技术有限公司 公司英文名称: Beijing Amonics Co., Ltd. 中文地址: 北京市朝阳区朝阳北路99号楼地上8层1单元902 英文地址: Room 902, Un...

公司中文名称: 北京安力诺斯光电技术有限公司

公司英文名称: Beijing Amonics Co., Ltd.

中文地址: 北京市朝阳区朝阳北路99号楼地上8层1单元902

英文地址: Room 902, Unit 1, NO.99 Chaoyang North Road, Beijing China 100123

总部: 中国/China

地区: 北京

展位编号: W2.2536

网址: www.amonics.com

公司中文描述: 安力光电有限公司成立于2002年,总部设于香港,是一家全球领先的、专业的技术创新型企业。在2008年,安力光电在北京成立北京安力诺斯光电技术有限公司,作为销售和技术支援中心。 安力光电是集研发、生产和销售光纤放大器,光源,光纤激光器,光接收器,光波转换器等设备于一体化的综合型光电专业制造厂商。应用领域:主要用于光纤通信,光纤传感,有线电视,实验室,同步光纤网同步数字系列系统,医疗,收发器件测试,泵谱源,光器件测试,远程网络等国防、科研教育领域。 1.AMONICS 研发设计的暂态抑制EDFA,该产品的特点是高输出功率,高增益,非常低的噪音指数和低增益偏移,对于光学封装交换(OPS)应用具有卓越性能。 2.高功率飞秒光纤激光器(FSFLs)是AMONICS的专业产品,属于被动锁模激光器,能产生不使用外部时钟孤子脉冲 (

公司英文描述: Amonics Limited Amonics Limited founded in year 2002, headquartered in Hong Kong, with a sales and technical supporting center in Beijing. Amonics is the industry's specialist in the design and production of high-power optical amplifiers, fiber lasers and light sources for telecommunications, CATV, fiber sensing, spectroscopy, material processing, biomedical and research applications. 1. With patented design, Amonics Optical Burst Mode EDFAs are designed for transient suppression. The results are EDFAs that possess high output power, high gain with very low noise, low gain excursion and are ideal for Optical Burst Mode Networks and Optical Packet Switching (OPS) applications. 2. Amonics Short Pulse EDFA with excellent sub-picosecond pulse performance, provide high optical power without impacting the short pulse widths and distorting the pulse shapes. Amonics’ short pulse EDFA has incorporated with high doping EDF in order to minimize the optical path length, thereby minimize pulse broadening consequence. 3. Amonics’ high power Raman Fiber Lasers (ARA series) find perfect applications with a high channel count and long spans such as submarine transmission systems as remote pump sources to deliver high power at any wavelength in the range between 1100nm and 1650nm. In addition, test and characterization of active and pssive components in the wavelength of 110nm to 1650nm.

行业: 光学

主要产品: 激光器和光导发光元件 光学 光学信息技术与光通信技术



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