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2013慕尼黑参展商简介: 福州美扬光电有限公司


公司中文名称: 福州美扬光电有限公司 公司英文名称: Fuzhou MT-Optics.Inc. 中文地址: 福州市仓山区桔园洲工业园60栋 英文地址: Building 60,Juyuanzhou Industrial Par...

公司中文名称: 福州美扬光电有限公司

公司英文名称: Fuzhou MT-Optics.Inc.

中文地址: 福州市仓山区桔园洲工业园60栋

英文地址: Building 60,Juyuanzhou Industrial Park,Cangshan District Fuzhou Fujian,China

总部: 中国/China

地区: 福建

展位编号: W1.1811

网址: www.mt-optics.com

公司中文描述: 福州美扬光电有限公司位于福州市金山橘园洲工业园,是一家集各种光学及晶体元器件的设计、生产和销售为一体的高新技术企业。完整的生产线,良好的质控能力,经验丰富的团队,先进的技术水平及周到的服务使我司得到了国内外客户的认可。公司主要产品为格兰偏振棱镜系列(格兰泰勒棱镜、格兰激光棱镜、渥拉斯通棱镜、洛匈棱镜、高透过激光棱镜、汤普森格兰棱镜);波片(多级波片、零级波片、消色差波片);偏振分光棱镜(光路无胶分光棱镜、高消光比偏振分光棱镜,);光学晶体(冰洲石、BBO、LBO、KTP、YVO4、冰洲石、TGG );红外光学元器件(硅、锗、CaF2、MgF2)等我司的产品被广泛应用于激光器, 医疗设备,光电子,半导体,通讯等领域。“优质的产品,合理的价格,准时的交货”以及站在客户的角度为客户提供最合适的产品是我们服务的宗旨。 福州美扬光电将本着质量第一、持续创新的企业文化精神,为国内外客户提供一流的产品、完善的服务。扬帆起航,精彩飞扬,真诚与广大客户携手合作,共创辉煌!

公司英文描述: MT-Optics,Inc. is a professional manufacturer of crystal and optical components in the photonics industry. Backed up by the knowledgeable technical level experts and engineers who has more than 20 years experience in this optics field, we excels at manufacturing reliable high-quality products at very competitive price. We have always put the customer first in our business and strive to help our customers develop successful applications . MT-Optics,Inc. Has been keeping on technology innovation and obtained unique technology and productive ability in making super polishing ,ultra thin , high precision, high quality optical components.We own 1500 square meter standard factory,Advanced fabricating muachine include CNC Plano Milling, High speed Polishing, Precision Polishing, CNC Grinding and Polishing, coating machines,Ultrasonic Cleaner, etc.. And, inspection instruments include Trioptics Lens Measurement system, Interferometer, Trioptics Prism Master 0.5” Prism Measurement System, Spectrophotometer, etc.. These advanced facilities ensure the big production capacity and high quality for OEM and Custom-Made Products. MT-Optics,Inc. has owned great reputation and developing opportunities while cooperating closely with worldwide customer. Fully understand customer’s demand and truly solve their requirement is MT-Optics,Inc. service philosophy. MT-Optics,Inc. great service & technical support offer customers one-stop shopping. We commit our customers with Quality products, competitive price, delivery on time, and excellent service.The Capabilities Optical Components Examples:Lenses(Convex Lens, Concave Lens, Achromatic Lens, Cylindrical Lens and Meniscus Lens)Mirrors(Metal Coated Mirror, Dielectric Mirror and Dichroic Mirror)Prisms(Right Angle Prism, Penta Prism, Dove Prism, Wedge Prism, Roof Prism, Rhomboid Prism,Corner Cube Retroreflector, etc.)Precision WindowsBeamsplittersPolarization Optics Examples:Waveplates(Multi-Order Wavepate, Zero Order Waveplate, Achromatic Waveplate, etc.)Polarizers(Glan Taylor, Glan Laser, Glan Thompson Polarizer, Wollaston, Rochon Polarizer)Polarization BeamsplittersCrystals Products Examples:Laser Crysals(Nd:YVO4, Nd:YAG,, Nd:GdVO4)Nonlinear Crystals(LiNbO3 and MgO:LiNbO3, KTP, BBO, LBO, KDP-KD*P)Birefringent Crystals(YVO4, Calcite, a-BBO)Q-Switch Crystals(E-O crystals, Passive Q-Switch)The high quality, fast delivery and competitive price are guaranteed. Why not have a try, must you get a new reliable supplier. Contact today and experience our competitive price and exception services.

行业: 光学 精密工程 航天/航空 医疗/生物技术 非大学研究机构 高等院校 电气工程/电子/半导体 专业技术服务

主要产品: 激光器和光导发光元件 光学 激光加工系统 光学测量系统 光学信息技术与光通信技术 激光系统元件 光学晶体 半成品光学元件 衍射光学 光学传输元件 激光加工系统组件 其他HTH登陆入口网页 系统 半自动化激光测试测量系统 全息测试测量系统与部件



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