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2013慕尼黑参展商简介: 南京东方激光有限公司

hth官方 来源:激光制造商情2013-02-25 我要评论(0 )   

公司中文名称: 南京东方激光有限公司 公司英文名称: NanJing Eastern Laser Co., Ltd. 中文地址: 南京浦口高新技术产业开发区浦泗公路8-8号 英文地址: Eastern Laser In...

公司中文名称: 南京东方激光有限公司

公司英文名称: NanJing Eastern Laser Co., Ltd.

中文地址: 南京浦口高新技术产业开发区浦泗公路8-8号

英文地址: Eastern Laser Industry Park, No 8-8, Pusi Road,Nanjing New & High Technology Industry Development Zone, China

总部: 中国/China

地区: 江苏

展位编号: W3.3355

网址: www.eastern-laser.com/

公司中文描述: 南京东方激光有限公司是由美国SIDA公司与中国CEC集团下属南京三乐集团有限公司于1993年合资共同组建的集工业CO2激光器及数控激光加工整机生产制造、新品研发、进出口贸易、软件研发制造于一体化的高科技企业。是我国唯一一家中外合资、引进国外CO2激光器制造技术、开关电源激励技术,生产激光加工用工业CO2激光器及其应用设备的专业厂商。公司于1994年和2004年,先后两次引进世界规模最大、技术最强的工业CO2激光器制造商—— 德国ROFIN集团世界先进的激光器制造技术,加以消化吸收和创新,在此基础上成功开发出一系列具有自主知识产权的高功率激光器产品,并多次承担国家火炬计划、创新基金计划项目。 公司集中、美、德三方优势实现强强联合 ,即南京三乐集团三十多年研制生产工业CO2激光器经验及精良的军工制造工艺、美国SIDA公司经营工业CO2激光器及激光加工系统逾三十多年的市场经验、以及德国ROFIN集团强大的技术力量支持,具有极强的技术开发和生产管理能力 ,研发制造可一天二十四小时、一周七天连续工作的高可靠、高功率工业CO2激光器及其数控激光加工系统。 由于激光加工具有速度快、质量好、热影响区小、无刀具磨损、节省原材料、无污染、低噪音、可实现无人柔性加工等优点,激光加工技术已在我国广泛应用于汽车 、铁路机车、船舶制造、航空航天、冶金、机械制造、建材、化工、轻工、印刷包装、材料科学、国防等领域,用于对各种金属、非金属进行切割、焊接、打孔、标记、雕刻、热处理、快速成型等加工 。 经过十多年的积累与发展,公司拥有一批由博士、硕士领衔,教授、高级工程师及各类工程技术人员组成的高素质的员工队伍,90%的员工具有大专以上学历,其中本科以上学历占员工总数的60%以上。公司主要技术人员均经过德国、美国、日本等世界著名激光公司的技术培训,科研技术力量雄厚。公司产品畅销全国各地, 部份产品出口北美、欧洲、东南亚市场,激光器产品国内市场占有率40%以上。目前公司已成为国内规模最大、技术力量最强的工业CO2激光器制造商。   公司于2000年通过ISO9001:2000质量认证,是江苏省高新技术企业,外商投资先进技术企业,信用等级AAA级企业,中国光学光电子行业协会激光分会常务理事单位,气体激光器国家总标准起草单位。公司生产的NEL系列激光器产品全部通过欧盟CE认证,是江苏省高新技术产品,曾先后获国家、省、市有关部门各种奖10多项,为我国激光加工业的发展作出了重要贡献。 2008年12月11日,世界工业激光巨头——德国ROFIN集团为满足其全球发展需要,正式收购我司80%的股权,目标是将我司建设成为其在中国唯一的激光产品制造中心、研发中心、技术服务中心,以满足其日益扩大的中国及海外市场的需求。同时我们也为有幸成为 ROFIN集团大家族的一员感到无比高兴与自豪。德国ROFIN集团,作为全球工业材料加工激光器及激光系统解决方案的领导者,是世界最大的工业激光器研发、制造商,其产品被广泛应用于切割、焊接、打标、精密加工及表面处理等领域,已成为现代加工制造业不可或缺的工具。其股票在美国纳斯达克和德国法兰克福上市。ROFIN集团在全球拥有五十多家分公司或办事处,业务范围遍及世界各地。 今后,我们将在ROFIN集团的统一领导下,紧跟世界激光最新技术,研发、生产、制造世界先进的产品,为中国乃至全球用户提供最优质的产品和最满意的服务。

公司英文描述: Nanjing Eastern Laser Co.(NELC), a subsidiary of Rofin-Sinar Technologies, Inc. in China, specializes in design, development, manufacturing, sales, and technical services of high power CO2 laser sources and laser-based materials processing systems. Rofin-Sinar Technologies, Inc.is the world leader in industrial laser sources and laser-based materials processing solutions with over 50 branches or offices in more than 20 countries and regions around the world.The company was founded in 1993, and located in the National Nanjing High-tech Industrial Development Zone. NELC is a member of the executive directors of China Optics and Optoelectronics Manufacturers Association. NELC was appointed by the association to draft the national industrial standards for gas lasers. Jiangsu Provincial Government certifies NELC a high-tech enterprise. The City Government of Nanjing accredits NELC a foreign-invested advanced technologies enterprise, as well as a credit-worthy and trust-worthy company. The company passed the ISO9001 quality assurance system certification in 2000, and the laser products have passed CE certification.Built upon licensed ROFIN-Sinar Laser technologies, the company has 20-years experience of design, development and manufacturing of high power CO2 laser sources and many years of design, development and manufacturing of laser-based materials processing machines. We have a team of managers and engineers of 20-years experience for management, product design and development, as well as production. The company has a large customer network accumulated over 20-year’s time, and a large group of satisfying and supportive customers.The company is one of the handful companies worldwide which have the high power CO2 laser manufacturing technologies, and the core manufacturing technologies of CNC laser processing equipment. The product portfolio includes high power CO2 laser sources, CNC laser cutting machine; CNC laser tube cutting machine, CNC laser welding machine, and CNC laser cladding machineThe company regards product quality essential for survival, and innovative technology will be our foundation for development. We see customers as friends, and customers’ needs will be the goal of our pursuit. Excellent services are our best guarantee to our customers. We see competition as stimulus to push us to do better. Sustainable growth will be the goal of all our endeavor.We will pursue a strategy of development in that we will strive to develop what is not available elsewhere, and for the ones available we will develop a better one.We provide technical advice, operations training, quality services during pre-sales, sales and after-sales, and laser application solution and turn-key laser processing equipment services to customers.Nanjing Eastern Laser Co. Ltd has exported machine to many countries such as America country, Europe country, Middle East country and South East Asia country etc, Until now we have supplied about more than one thousand units of CO2 lasers and CNC-laser cutting machines for materials processing in a variety of industries. These lasers and CNC-CO2 lasers cutting machines have been used in track-rail transportation industry, textile machinery, grain processing machinery, agriculture machinery, fabric dyeing machinery, food processing machinery, engineering machinery, elevator manufacturing, aerospace industry,, appliances manufacturing, electric cabinet manufacturing, die-board cutting for printing& packing industry, sheet metal cutting, diamond saw blade manufacturing, water pump impeller welding etc.. The application of laser processing system in manufacturing is expanding as more and more manufacturers adopt advanced manufacturing method in production.

行业:    光学   精密工程   汽车工程   服务   加工站   工具制造/电机工程

主要产品:    激光器和光导发光元件   服务   应用系统(按行业分)   激光加工系统   固体激光器   气体激光器   二极管激光器   光纤激光器   其他激光器   激光系统元件   激光器零部件   非相干光和发光源   电子光学   声光元器件   光电管   光电元件   光学系统   光学力学   激光及光学软件   贴装和装配系统   应用开发与实验   光学设计和工程服务   处理加工中心   合约加工   系统资讯   激光系统的维修保养和服务   光学和照明设计   二手设备   培训   协会和各类组织   特殊信息、数据库   技术文档,行业杂志   研发   用户定制解决方案   技术咨询和代理   其他服务   专业金融服务   汽车工业和OEM   工具制造和机械工程   印刷和制图   数据处理和信息技术   电子行业   电子工程   半导体工业   塑胶加工   生物光子、生命科学和制药   科研领域   显示技术、广告、艺术演示   传感器技术   照明技术   太阳能技术   能源和环境工程   航空航天工业   安全工程   成像和机器视觉   储能生产   其他应用   加工系统   激光加工系统组件   激光辅助产品设计与系统开发   各类材料激光加工系统   其他HTH登陆入口网页 系统   有机印刷电子的激光生产系统   材料加工原材料   系统整合 



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