公司英文名称: CorActive High Tech.
中文地址: 2700 Jean Perrin
英文地址: Suite 121
总部: 加拿大/Canada
地区: Quebec
展位编号: W3.3105
公司英文描述: CorActive manufactures Specialty Optical Fibers for applications in the industrial, telecom, defense, sensing, medical, and scientific markets.CorActive is a well financed independent developer and manufacturer of advanced Specialty Optical Fiber (SOF) products for OEM customers serving the industrial laser, telecommunications, sensor, defense, and aerospace industries. CorActive uniquely offers a full line of standard SOF products, including Double Clad, Erbium doped, Mid- to Far-IR transmission, UV sensitive and attenuating optical fibers, plus custom fiber development services for specific applications. At CorActive we pride ourselves in providing technologically advanced specialty optical fiber products that uniquely enable our customers to offer superior products and services.CorActive manufactures Specialty Optical Fibers for applications in the telecommunications, remote sensing, strategic defense, security, materials processing and medical industries.
行业: 光学 航天/航空 医疗/生物技术 安全防范工程
主要产品: 激光加工系统 光纤激光器