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2013慕尼黑参展商简介: 福州鑫图光电有限公司


公司中文名称: 福州鑫图光电有限公司 公司英文名称: Xintu Photonics Co., Ltd. 中文地址: 福州市仓山区盖山镇齐安路756号财茂科工贸城主楼6F 英文地址: Address: 6/F, ...

公司中文名称: 福州鑫图光电有限公司

公司英文名称: Xintu Photonics Co., Ltd.

中文地址: 福州市仓山区盖山镇齐安路756号财茂科工贸城主楼6F

英文地址: Address: 6/F, No. 1 Building, Caimao Zone, 756#, Qi'an Road, Gaishan Town, Cangshan Area, Fuzhou, Fujian, China

总部: 中国/China

地区: 福州

展位编号: W1.1475

网址: www.tucsen.net

公司中文描述: 图森做为全球著名数字成像设备提供者之一,致力于科学相机的研发和生产,是一家集研发、生产、销售、售后服务于一体的综合性企业。我们在34个国家拥有代理商,为美国、日本、德国、英国、法国、荷兰的显微设备客户提供ODM(定制开发+贴牌生产)服务。  “为每一位用户挖掘科学摄影的潜力。” 是我们的使命。 我们的主要合作伙伴包括显微成像行业、生物凝胶行业、能源探测行业、微光军事行业的全球顶尖企业和机构。 从NASA的太空探测基地,从NIH的癌症医学实验室,到非洲喀麦隆乡村的WHO援助机构;从鱼类爱好者手中的珊瑚虫观察器,到英国轮式装甲车上的数字潜望镜,都有图森相机的身影。 兼容欧洲CE电磁标准,符合欧洲RoHS环保材料控制标准。电路设计方面,坚持采用高成本的无压缩图像传输系统,保证视觉信息完整无缺。独有的十六区色彩矩阵影像控制技术使得显微摄影的色彩还原比以往更加准确可靠。一键式的设备安装、图像拍摄、保存和预览,让即便是初次使用图森相机的用户也能轻松完成显微摄影体验。

公司英文描述: Xintu Photonics Co., Ltd.,(Tucsen) was founded in 2006 by two highly experienced and professional engineers in technology of digital images. We specialized in the large scale production of analytical grade, high resolution CCD and CMOS cameras for scientific, engineering, and clinical applications etc. Production has resulted in much lower manufacturing costs which are satisfied by end users with high standard quality, now Xintu has become one of the leading providers of digital imaging equipment in the world. We are represented in 34 countries as a digital image technology expert who focuses on, and volume production, including ODM/ OEM service to our customers. More than 30,000 cameras a year, We supply to customers in Europe, the US, and Throughout Asia. Half among these cameras were sold to Europe and the US. Tucsen camera design uses aluminum alloy cases casted by numerically controlled machine for weight and strength, and provides good electrical shielding characteristics. The products meet CE/UL electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards in Europe, and their materials meet the European RoHS environmental standards for environmental protection, and certification provided with each product. In order to maintain image integrity and maximize fidelity, all camera circuits use uncompressed data handling methodologies in the camera electronics. Unique 16 color matrix image control technology enable Tucsen camera achieves impressive imaging results. All cameras use standard USB 2.0 interfaces and are supplied with both control and acquisition software and an SDK for systems integration. One-click equipment installation makes it so easy even for a first -time Tucsen camera user. Our major partners include many of the world's leading companies that offer integrated solutions in microscopy, industry, bioscience research, energy exploration and military. We are proud on the wide variety of applications from NIH cancer research to Marine Biology. Not only we supply cameras to the National Institutes for Health, World Health Organization, but also we are a host of other international recognized and respected research centers.

行业: 光学 精密工程 汽车工程 医疗/生物技术 环境监测 交通运输 非大学研究机构 高等院校 化工/制药行业 工具制造/电机工程

主要产品: 成像技术 机器视觉 成像元件 图像处理 智能相机 软件包 配件 工业镜头 辅助产品 图像处理系统 机器视觉集成



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