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2013慕尼黑参展商简介: 上海希格玛光电有限公司


公司中文名称: 上海希格玛光电有限公司 公司英文名称: Shanghai Sigma Photoelectronic Co., Ltd. 中文地址: 上海市嘉定区立新路24号 英文地址: Lixin Road,Jiading Dis...

公司中文名称: 上海希格玛光电有限公司

公司英文名称: Shanghai Sigma Photoelectronic Co., Ltd.

中文地址: 上海市嘉定区立新路24号

英文地址: Lixin Road,Jiading District, Shanghai No.24

总部: 中国/China

地区: 上海

展位编号: W1.1676

网址: www.xigemash.cn

公司中文描述: 公司成立于一九九五年,座落于光学基地的上海市嘉定区。注册在嘉定高科技园区内,是一家高科技民营企业,多年从事光学元件冷加工。公司专业生产、加工各种高精度激光镜片。主要产品有:红外激光镜片、球面透镜、平面窗口片、各种规格滤光片、扫描振镜片、晶体加工等。。。。 公司集古典光学工艺和现代光学工艺技术于一体,不断勇于创新,不断追求卓越,逐步形成了具有自己特色的抛光技术。成功研发超高光洁度镜片和各种规格的超小、超薄镜片,红外激光镜片等加工工艺,产品获得国内、国外客户的一致好评。 我们竭诚在高精度光学元件加工、生产方面为客户服务,可以按客户的要求设计和制造产品,并致力成为各类高精度激光光学镜片的供应商,满足各类客户的需求。

公司英文描述: Shanghai Sigma Optical Co.,Ltd.was established in 1995, is located in Jiading District of Shanghai, the optical base. Up high-tech park in Jiading, a high-tech private enterprises, many years in the cold optics. Companies specializing in the production, processing of various high-precision laser lens. The main products are: infrared laser lens, spherical lens, the plane window films, a variety of filters, scanning vibrating mirror, crystal processing. . . . The company set of classical techniques and modern optical technology optical technology, and continue to be creative, and constantly strive for excellence, and gradually formed its own unique polishing. Successfully developed ultra-high finish of lenses and a variety of ultra-small, ultra-thin lenses, infrared lenses and other laser processing technology, products, access to domestic and foreign customers alike. We are dedicated to high-precision optical components in the processing, production, customer service, customer requirements can design and manufacture of products, and strive to be all kinds of high precision laser optical lens suppliers, to meet various customer needs.

行业: 光学

主要产品: 激光器和光导发光元件 光学 固体激光器 气体激光器 二极管激光器 光纤激光器 其他激光器 激光系统元件 激光器零部件 非相干光和发光源 电子光学 声光元器件 光电管 光电元件 光学系统 光学力学 激光及光学软件 贴装和装配系统



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